Can you hear it, lass? Rustling, howling… laughter. Strange, eh? They say the forest is brimming with wolves. But I feel there’s more there, much more. Curious? Go then. Find your story.
In WolfWalkers – My Story two players compete to craft a better story using cards from a shared deck.
Each turn you take one of the six available cards and place it on your grid. You either take an Objective card that lets you know how to score points or a Story card that helps you fulfill your Objective cards. After both players complete their 5×5 grid, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.
Number of players: 2
Recommended ages: 8+
Game duration: 25 min
- 110 x Cards
- Rules
In a time of superstition and magic, a young apprentice hunter, Robyn Goodfellowe, journeys to Ireland with her father to wipe out the last wolf pack. While exploring the forbidden lands outside the city walls, Robyn befriends a free-spirited girl, Mebh, a member of a mysterious tribe rumored to have the ability to transform into wolves by night. As they search for Mebh’s missing mother, Robyn uncovers a secret that draws her further into the enchanted world of the WOLFWALKERS and risks turning into the very thing her father is tasked to destroy.
Jan –
Rad imam igre za dva igralca. Kvaliteta kart je zelo dobra. Nimam pripomb. Zelo dobra igra.
Andreja in Matic –
Igro sva s fantom kupila zaradi krasnih ilustracij, ampak naju je čisto zasvojila. Šele nato sva ugotovila, da je bila igra dejansko razvita v Sloveniji in sedaj sva še bolj navdušena in jo še z večjim veseljem priporočava. Igro se zelo hitro naučiš igrat, niso zapletena pravila, ampak ponuja ogromno možnosti, da nikoli ne postane dolgočasna. Vsakič je drugačna. Čestitke, res super.
Tessa –
Res čudovita igra tako kot je čudovita risanka. Risbe so izredno lepe, igra ni kompleksna, ampak omogoča preigravanje zaradi super dinamike. Ko se dodobra osvoji osnovni del igre, pa so zraven še dodatne možnosti, ki popestrijo igro. Izredno priporočam!